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Arkansas Soccer Association operates several State Association leagues for our youth players: the NWA Academy for 7U-10U, the Central Arkansas Recreational League for 9U-19U, and the Arkansas Competitive Soccer League for 11U-19U. All leagues operate in both the fall and spring seasons.

ASA offers tournaments for both recreational and classic level players multiple times throughout the seasonal year. In November, ASA hosts the 15U-19U State Championships, as well as the Novembrrr Recreational Blast. In May, ASA operates the 11U-14U State Championships, along with the Ron Heller Recreational Cup and FunFest Jamboree. Many of our clubs also operate tournaments at various times of the seasonal year.

Club Tryouts
Most ASA clubs conduct classic player tryouts in May/June for teams forming for the following seasonal year, commencing in the upcoming fall and then continuing the following spring. Unless specified otherwise by the club, classic and player registrations are generally seasonal year commitments (August 1 through July 31). As clubs advise us of tryout dates, fees, and other information, we will update our pages.
About Our State
ASA currently registers approximately 19,000+ youth and adult members from across the state each year. ASA’s Member Associations (or “clubs”) field more than 2,000 teams each year. These clubs organize and operate their own programs, drawing on a large volunteer base of coaches and program administrators. Each association has a set of bylaws to operate by, which are submitted when applying to become a member of ASA. Each local association has a Board of Directors which oversees the operation of the club.

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